Self Worth: Noun. 1. The sense of one's own value or worth as a person; self-esteem; self-respect.
Has anyone ever told you that you are meaningless in their life? Have you ever tried so hard to make someone happy, but it just failed? Has anyone ever made you feel invisible? Have you ever said this saying to yourself:
"I would swim oceans for people who wouldn't even cross bridges for me."
I had a friend once and felt this exact same way towards this person. I felt like an outcast, I was excluded in groups, that person was hateful to me, not loyal, and not trustworthy. I would think to myself sometimes, "Oh they will change, they didn't mean to treat me this way, or they said sorry." I eventually got tired of being treated so badly, and thought, "I'm going to treat them how they treat me!" I was wrong. Jesus says in Matthew 5:44:
"But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you."
So I listened to what Jesus told me, and I loved this person. I prayed they would start to treat me the way I treated them, kind and faithful. I felt as if Jesus wasn't listening to my prayers, and then I realized that He had a different plan. While I wanted this person in my life, Jesus said no, it's time for them to leave. I listened to Him, and I saw what He was doing. He saw me in my room as tears flooded from my eyes. He heard me tell my mom, "why me? I am so good to this person!" He heard my cries and He took care of me, in His own way. I finally started to see how poorly I was being treated. This friendship was toxic. The pieces started to come together as I saw how much self-worth I did not have. I was miserable and unhappy for so long.
That's when it clicked for me and I realized that the friendships you have, relationship with your boyfriend or girlfriend, your husband or wife, your brother or sister, family member, or anyone else should not make you feel unimportant, unloved, or unwanted.
I tell you this:
Love people even when they don't deserve it, but be strong enough to know when to walk away. Outgrowing people around you is okay. You owe yourself the love that you so freely give to other people. The best revenge is to have enough self-worth to not seek it. You do not need anyone's approval or affection to be good enough. When someone abandons you, judges you, or rejects you, it isn't about you. It's about them and their own limitations and insecurities. Your worth isn't contingent upon people's acceptance of you. You're allowed to voice your thoughts and feelings. You're allowed to hold onto the truth that you are exactly enough. And you're allowed to remove anyone from your life who makes you feel otherwise. Your value doesn't decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth. Respect yourself enough to say that you deserve peace, and walk away from people or things that prevent you from attaining it.
Never forget that walking away from something unhealthy is brave, even if you stumble a little on your way out the door. Someday you will look back and know exactly why it had happened.