i wish i had seen Your plan
i pray that whenever you face hard times of any kind, you run to Jesus instead of the world.
i wish i had seen Your plan when i hit rock bottom.
let's face it. we all hit rock bottom a time or two. but rock bottom isn't forever. i promise you. you can either let yourself be defeated by it or grow immensely. but Jesus puts us through trials on purpose. He has a plan that we can't see in that moment. God does his greatest work in our darkest hour. in your lowest and weakest point, the only thing you can do is look up. sometimes God lets you hit rock bottom so that you will see that He is the rock at the bottom. look to God. the only one who unconditionally loves YOU. even though He is allowing the suffering, He is there for you. the same God that hears you in the sunshine is the same God that will answer you in the storm. He has been through it. look to your family and friends. they want to see you happy too. they want to see you smile. you simply cannot do life without others. the sun will rise and you will try again. you will try again and again until, finally, you say, "How lucky are we that God shuts doors for us because He doesn't want to see us settle and wants so much more for us?" your struggle is tough, but you are tougher. God uses our deepest pain as the launching pad of our greatest calling.
Matthew 11:28 says, "Come to Me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
i wish i had seen Your plan when i felt so alone.
I think sometimes we oversee the things we want, and it makes us feel alone. we could want a friendship, a relationship, good grades, materialistic things, but if we don't have those, that loneliness feeling sets in. sometimes we have to distance ourselves to better ourselves. there have been times that i have cried myself to sleep because i felt so alone. but Jesus says you are never alone. He is always there. God isolates you so you can get yourself together. It may seem like you lost friendships & relationships, but a better you is worth more. you will see the light one day, and it will be so beautiful, so bright, that it will be worth waiting all of those months in the dark for.
i wish i had seen Your plan when that boy broke my heart.
each day that passed, it got harder. the pain and lack of self-worth consumed my thoughts. hurt changes you. it turns you into a whole new person. i would ask myself sometimes, "God what is your plan?" but trying to fix somebody else only made me break myself. i had friends by my side. a friend is God's way of proving He doesn't want us to walk alone, and that helped me. but as the old saying goes, "time heals," and it was true. it didn't feel like it at the time, but it was true. i went from happy with you to happier without you.
For the girls who don't feel appreciated: "I am a museum full of art but you had your eyes shut."-Rupi Kaur
i wish i had seen Your plan when i felt unworthy.
there were times when I would pray and ask, "Why?" whether it be because of a friend, a boy, school, or whatever reason, Jesus says, You are worthy of every good thing. Jesus split the sea so you could walk right through it. your fears were drowned in perfect love. if you question your worth, know this:
Psalms 139:13-15, "For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth."
but I'm glad i didn't see Your plan till now.
i'm glad i hit rock bottom. i'm glad i felt alone. i'm glad that boy broke my heart. i'm glad i felt unworthy. why? because it was apart of Your plan. Your perfect plan. God's plans will always be greater and more beautiful than all your disappointments. when you pray and ask God to mold you into the woman/man He created you to be, be prepared for some ground shifting. once you're finally able to look at what hurt you the most in the eye and say "I'm better off now," you will finally be free. Matthew 6:20 says, "Your heart will always pursue what you treasure." God is constant in your battles and your happiness. Jesus tells us, if only you could see the moutain's you're gonna move, then maybe you wouldn't be so wrapped up in worry. break up with your comfort zone. pray to Him.
be bold. be confident. and even when you're afraid, keep trusting Jesus.