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He has a plan.

"You can make many plans, but The Lord's purpose will prevail." -Proverbs 19:21

have you ever just sat and thought for a moment, "wow nothing is going the way i want"? me too. we plan out our day to day tasks and imagine our future. we can all agree when things don't work out, we get mad or upset. it is frustrating when things don't work out the way we want. i think to myself, if this or this would happen or if this could work out the way i want, it will be perfect. so perfect because i am the one who set those plan for myself. yeah, i was wrong.

God's plan is so much greater than our own. if you think of the perfect scenario in your head or your wildest dream, God's plan is so so so so better than that. it may not be what we want or how we imagine it, but it's how God wants it.

one day you will come to realize, like i currently am, that God's plans and intentions are pure. God's word is true. God is love. He is shaping your life, my life, and paving a path far greater than we could ever dream of. i know this because He said it.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you, and not to harm you, Plans to give you a hope and a future" Jeremiah 29:11

what an amazing feeling it is to know that God has planned every detail of my life. i know it will not always be the way i want or what i hope for, but He knows everything about me. He knows everything about you. He knows your heart and He is planning such great things. we just don't know it yet.

have you ever felt so lost, discouraged, not enough, or nothing will go right? again, me too. at this point in my life, there were so many things we wish would have gone our way. we wish he/she was a better friend, we wish we would've done better in school, or we wish that boy or girl wouldn't have broken our heart. i grew up knowing that verse above. never did it have full meaning for me until recently.

God's plans for our lives are to do good. He says it in the verse above, "plans to prosper you, and not to harm you." He doesn't want to hurt us. He wants us to know that He is planning a future and to trust Him. once this verse had full meaning to my life, was the moment that i realize i cannot do this on my own. i NEED Jesus. He knows my every thought. He knows my heart. He knows when i cry out every tear that is left in me, that they are prayers when i cannot speak. i stopped and said to Him, "Jesus i cannot do this on my own. i need Your help. i cast out everything i have to you."

God never allows pain without a purpose. He is close to the brokenhearted. (Psalms 34:18) He counts the stars and calls them all by name. (Psalms 147:4) For God has said, "I will never fail you, and I will never abandon you." (Hebrews 13:5).

when you say, "I can't figure this out," God says, "I will direct your steps."

when you say, "I'm too tired," God says, "I will give you rest."

when you say, "Nobody loves me," God says, "I love you."

when you say, "It's not worth it," God says, "It will be worth it."

when you say, "I am not smart enough," God says, "I will give you wisdom."

when you say, 'I am not able," God says, "I am able."

when you say, "Lord, I can't go on," God says, My grace is sufficient."

when you say, "I feel alone," God says, "I will never leave you."

when i am feeling things won't go the way i want, i know His plan is Holy. if you ever feel like He isn't listening or He isn't with you, He is. remember that He has awesome things planned for your life. when you learn to trust Him, your life is going to be so much better.


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